Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Who are these people?

The election map tells us a lot about this country and who chooses the President. Personally, I am furious that in a year where everyone's concerned about security, the parts of the nation that are most likely to be attacked seem to have little voice in this election.

Who has a real understanding about what it means to be under threat of attack in this country? Texas? Kentucky? Kansas? Utah? No -- Washington DC, New York, Boston, LA.... these are the real targets. These cities and the states they belong to voted for Kerry, but their opinions mean little to the rest of the country. Instead, this country's leadership has been high-jacked by the most provincial parts of this country, by voters who are nowhere near a city or port that has ties to the international community. Why should they have so much power to make decisions about national security? They clearly don't understand what needs to be done in this country.

So where do we go from here? We will continue to see Americans killed in Iraq and that country will be further plunged into chaos and turmoil. Korea will develop nuclear weapons unchecked. The United States will become more isolated in the international community -- which will lead toward more violence against our country. At home, we will see health care costs continue to sky rocket. The working class and the middle class will suffer further under Bush's economic policies. (Who are his tax cuts really aimed at, after all.) The federal deficit will grow. More conservative judges will be appointed to the supreme court and make decisions that are one-sided and not right for this country.

I ask you, what were these voters thinking? Who are these people? If the middle of this nation really wants this cretin, I wish the Northeast and West Coast could just say, "Fine, you can have him.... you all be your own country.... we secede."

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